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Version History

Version Modification
1.0 (2024-06-15) Initial version


The ZIP archive UrsAI2StringUtils for downloading. The archive contains the source code and the compiled binary and a sample project to upload to the App Inventor.


This extension offers a number of auxiliary functions for editing texts. These are taken from the Apache String Utils (source code on GitHub).

Many functions exist in two or three variants:




Defines the text to be edited or retrieves it.
Returns the version of this extension.
VersionSDK ()
Returns running Android SDK version.


Abbreviate (Marker, MaxWidth)
Get an abbreviation of the set text using a given replacement marker. This will turn "Now is the time for all good men." into "Now is the time for..." if "..." was defined as the replacement marker.
AbbreviateOf (Text, Marker, MaxWidth)
Abbreviates a text using a given replacement marker. This will turn "Now is the time for all good men." into "Now is the time for..." if "..." was defined as the replacement marker.
AbbreviateThis (Marker, MaxWidth)
Abbreviates the set text using a given replacement marker. This will turn "Now is the time for all good men." into "Now is the time for..." if "..." was defined as the replacement marker.
Center (Size, PadChar)
Gets the set text centered in a larger text of size Size.
CenterOf (Text, Size, PadChar)
Centers a text in a larger text of size Size.
CenterThis (Size, PadChar)
Centers the set text in a larger text of size Size.
CharAt (Index)
Gets the character at position Index (1 based) of the set text. Returns "" if Index > length of the set text.
CharAtOf (Text, Index)
Gets the character at position Index (1 based) of a text. Returns "" if Index > length of the text.
EndsWith (Suffix, IgnoreCase)
Checks if the set text ends with a specified suffix (optionally case insensitive).
EndsWithOf (Text, Suffix, IgnoreCase)
Checks if a text ends with a specified suffix (optionally case insensitive).
IsDigit (CharAt)
Returns true if the character at position CharAt (1 based) of the set text is a digit (see Character.isDigit). Returns false if CharAt > length of the set text.
IsDigitOf (Text, CharAt)
Returns true if the character at position CharAt (1 based) of Text is a digit (see Character.isDigit). Returns false if CharAt > length of the Text.
IsEmpty (CharAt)
Checks if the set text is empty ("").
IsEmptyOf (Text, CharAt)
Checks if Text is empty ("").
IsLetter (CharAt)
Returns true if the character at position CharAt (1 based) of the set text is a letter (see Character.isLetter). Returns false if CharAt > length of the set text.
IsLetterOf (Text, CharAt)
Returns true if the character at position CharAt (1 based) of Text is a letter (see Character.isLetter). Returns false if CharAt > length of Text.
IsLetterOrDigit (CharAt)
Returns true if the character at position CharAt (1 based) of the set text is a letter or a digit (see Character.isLetter, Character.isDigit). Returns false if CharAt > length of the set text.
IsLetterOrDigitOf (Text, CharAt)
Returns true if the character at position CharAt (1 based) of Text is a letter or a digit (see Character.isLetter, Character.isDigit). Returns false if CharAt > length of Text.
IsWhiteSpace (CharAt)
Returns true if the character at position CharAt (1 based) of the set text is whitespace (see Character.isWhiteSpace). Returns false if CharAt > length of the set text.
IsWhiteSpaceOf (Text, CharAt)
Returns true if the character at position CharAt (1 based) of Text is a whitespace (see Character.isWhiteSpace). Returns false if CharAt > length of Text.
Left (Count)
Gets the leftmost Count characters of the set text.
LeftOf (Text, Count)
Gets the leftmost Count characters of Text.
LeftThis (Count)
Sets the stored text to the leftmost Count characters of the set text.
LeftPad (Size, PadChar)
Gets the set text left padded with the specified character. Size is the final size of the text.
LeftPadOf (Text, Size, PadChar)
Left pad a text with a specified character. Size is the final size of the text.
LeftPadThis (Size, PadChar)
Left pad the set text with a specified character. Size is the final size of the text.
LevenshteinDistance (Left, Right)
Find the Levenshtein distance between two Strings. A higher score indicates a greater distance.
Mid (Start, Count)
Gets Count characters from the middle of the set text.
MidOf (Text, Start, Count)
Gets Count characters from the middle of Text.
MidThis (Start, Count)
Sets the stored text to Count characters from the middle of the set text.
RemoveFirstChar ()
Gets the set text without the first character.
RemoveFirstCharOf (Text)
Removes the first character from Text.
RemoveFirstCharOfThis ()
Removes the first character from the set text.
RemoveLastChar ()
Gets the set text without the last character.
RemoveLastCharOf (Text)
Removes the last character from Text.
RemoveLastCharOfThis ()
Removes the last character from the set text.
Repeat (Text, Count)
Repeat Text Count times to form a new text.
Gets the rightmost Count characters of the set text.
RightOf (Text, Count)
Gets the rightmost Count characters of Text.
RightThis (Count)
Sets the stored text to the rightmost Count characters of the set text.
RightPad (Size, PadChar)
Gets the set text right padded with the specified character. Size is the final size of the text.
RightPadOf (Text, Size, PadChar)
Fills Text on the right with the specified character. Size is the final size of the text.
RightPadThis (Size, PadChar)
Fills the stored text on the right with the specified character. Size is the final size of the text.
StartsWith (Prefix, IgnoreCase)
Checks if the set text starts with the specified Prefix (optionally case insensitive).
StartsWithOf (Text, Prefix, IgnoreCase)
Checks if Text starts with the specified Prefix (optionally case insensitive).
SwapCase ()
Gets a case swapped version of the set text changing upper and title case to lower case, and lower case to upper case.
SwapCaseOf (Text)
Swaps the case of Text changing upper case to lower case, and lower case to upper case.
SwapCaseThis ()
Swaps the case of the set text changing upper and title case to lower case, and lower case to upper case.




The example applies many of the defined functions to an entered text:

Beispiele zu den String Utilities



For developing own extensions I gathered some tips: AI2 FAQ: Develop Extensions.