AI2 Component  (Version nb184) Interface Reference

Public Member Functions

String name ()
String resource () default ""
String value () default ""

Detailed Description

Annotation to describe a <meta-data> element. A <meta-data> element consists of a name-value pair for an item of additional, arbitrary data that can be supplied to the parent component. For our purposes, the parent component is either an <activity> or a <receiver>. A component element can contain any number of <meta-data> subelements. The values from all of them are collected in a single Bundle object and made available to the component as the field.

Ordinary values are specified through the value attribute. However, to assign a resource ID as the value, use the resource attribute instead.

When using a MetaDataElement, the name attribute must be specified along with either the resource() or the value() attribute. <meta-data> element attributes that are not set explicitly default to "" and are ignored when the element is created in the manifest.

Note: Some of this documentation is adapted from the Android framework specification linked below. That documentation is licensed under the ahref="">CreativeCommonsAttributionlicensev2.5</a>.See@link<ahref=""></a>

Definition at line 44 of file

Member Function Documentation

◆ name()

String ( )

A unique name for the data item. By convention, this name should follow the Java package name format, e.g. "". The name attribute is required in any @MetaDataElement annotation and hence has no default value.

the name of the data item

◆ resource()

String ( )

A reference to a resource. The ID of the resource is the value assigned to the data item. The ID can be retrieved from the meta-data Bundle by the android.os.BaseBundle#getInt(String) method.

a reference to the specified resource

◆ value()

String ( )

The value assigned to the item. The data types that can be assigned as values and the android.os.Bundle methods that components use to retrieve those values are detailed below:

-> A String value, using double backslashes (\) to escape characters, such as "\\n" and "\\uxxxxx" for a Unicode character, can be accessed using android.os.Bundle#getString(String).

-> An Integer value, such as "100", can be accessed using android.os.Bundle#getInt(String).

-> A Boolean value, either "true" or "false", can be accessed using android.os.Bundle#getBoolean(String).

-> A Color value, in the form "#rgb", "#argb", "#rrggbb", or "#aarrggbb", can be accessed using android.os.Bundle#getInt(String).

-> A Float value, such as "1.23", can be accessed using android.os.Bundle#getFloat(String)

the value to be assigned to this data item

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: