Click or drag to resize

ComPortSelector Methoden

Der ComPortSelector Typ exponiert die folgenden Member.

Protected MethodeAccessibilityNotifyClients(AccessibleEvents, Int32)Notifies the accessibility client applications of the specified AccessibleEvents for the specified child control.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeAccessibilityNotifyClients(AccessibleEvents, Int32, Int32)Notifies the accessibility client applications of the specified AccessibleEvents for the specified child control .
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeAdjustFormScrollbarsAdjusts the scroll bars on the container based on the current control positions and the control currently selected.
(Vererbt von ContainerControl)
Public MethodeBeginInvoke(Delegate)Executes the specified delegate asynchronously on the thread that the control's underlying handle was created on.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeBeginInvoke(Delegate, Object)Executes the specified delegate asynchronously with the specified arguments, on the thread that the control's underlying handle was created on.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeBringToFrontBrings the control to the front of the z-order.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeContainsRetrieves a value indicating whether the specified control is a child of the control.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeCreateAccessibilityInstanceCreates a new accessibility object for the control.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeCreateControlForces the creation of the visible control, including the creation of the handle and any visible child controls.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeCreateControlsInstanceCreates a new instance of the control collection for the control.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeCreateGraphicsCreates the Graphics for the control.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeCreateHandleCreates a handle for the control.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeDefWndProcSends the specified message to the default window procedure.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeDestroyHandleDestroys the handle associated with the control.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeDisposeReleases all resources used by the Component.
(Vererbt von Component)
Protected MethodeDispose(Boolean) Verwendete Ressourcen bereinigen.
(Überschreibt ContainerControlDispose(Boolean))
Public MethodeDoDragDropBegins a drag-and-drop operation.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeDrawToBitmapSupports rendering to the specified bitmap.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeEndInvokeRetrieves the return value of the asynchronous operation represented by the IAsyncResult passed.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Vererbt von Object)
Protected MethodeFinalizeReleases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the Component is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Vererbt von Component)
Public MethodeFindFormRetrieves the form that the control is on.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeFocusSets input focus to the control.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeGetAccessibilityObjectByIdRetrieves the specified AccessibleObject.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeGetAutoSizeModeRetrieves a value indicating how a control will behave when its AutoSize property is enabled.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeGetChildAtPoint(Point)Retrieves the child control that is located at the specified coordinates.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeGetChildAtPoint(Point, GetChildAtPointSkip)Retrieves the child control that is located at the specified coordinates, specifying whether to ignore child controls of a certain type.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeGetContainerControlReturns the next ContainerControl up the control's chain of parent controls.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Vererbt von Object)
Public MethodeGetLifetimeServiceObsolet.
Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance.
(Vererbt von MarshalByRefObject)
Public MethodeGetNextControlRetrieves the next control forward or back in the tab order of child controls.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeGetPreferredSizeRetrieves the size of a rectangular area into which a control can be fitted.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeGetScaledBoundsRetrieves the bounds within which the control is scaled.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeGetScrollStateDetermines whether the specified flag has been set.
(Vererbt von ScrollableControl)
Protected MethodeGetServiceReturns an object that represents a service provided by the Component or by its Container.
(Vererbt von Component)
Protected MethodeGetStyleRetrieves the value of the specified control style bit for the control.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeGetTopLevelDetermines if the control is a top-level control.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Vererbt von Object)
Public MethodeHideConceals the control from the user.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeInitializeLifetimeServiceObsolet.
Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance.
(Vererbt von MarshalByRefObject)
Protected MethodeInitLayoutCalled after the control has been added to another container.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeInvalidateInvalidates the entire surface of the control and causes the control to be redrawn.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeInvalidate(Boolean)Invalidates a specific region of the control and causes a paint message to be sent to the control. Optionally, invalidates the child controls assigned to the control.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeInvalidate(Rectangle)Invalidates the specified region of the control (adds it to the control's update region, which is the area that will be repainted at the next paint operation), and causes a paint message to be sent to the control.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeInvalidate(Region)Invalidates the specified region of the control (adds it to the control's update region, which is the area that will be repainted at the next paint operation), and causes a paint message to be sent to the control.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeInvalidate(Rectangle, Boolean)Invalidates the specified region of the control (adds it to the control's update region, which is the area that will be repainted at the next paint operation), and causes a paint message to be sent to the control. Optionally, invalidates the child controls assigned to the control.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeInvalidate(Region, Boolean)Invalidates the specified region of the control (adds it to the control's update region, which is the area that will be repainted at the next paint operation), and causes a paint message to be sent to the control. Optionally, invalidates the child controls assigned to the control.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeInvoke(Delegate)Executes the specified delegate on the thread that owns the control's underlying window handle.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeInvoke(Delegate, Object)Executes the specified delegate, on the thread that owns the control's underlying window handle, with the specified list of arguments.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeInvokeGotFocusRaises the GotFocus event for the specified control.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeInvokeLostFocusRaises the LostFocus event for the specified control.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeInvokeOnClickRaises the Click event for the specified control.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeInvokePaintRaises the Paint event for the specified control.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeInvokePaintBackgroundRaises the PaintBackground event for the specified control.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeIsInputCharDetermines if a character is an input character that the control recognizes.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeIsInputKeyDetermines whether the specified key is a regular input key or a special key that requires preprocessing.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeLogicalToDeviceUnits(Int32)Converts a Logical DPI value to its equivalent DeviceUnit DPI value.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeLogicalToDeviceUnits(Size)Transforms a size from logical to device units by scaling it for the current DPI and rounding down to the nearest integer value for width and height.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Vererbt von Object)
Protected MethodeMemberwiseClone(Boolean)Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object.
(Vererbt von MarshalByRefObject)
Protected MethodeNotifyInvalidateRaises the Invalidated event with a specified region of the control to invalidate.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnAutoSizeChangedRaises the AutoSizeChanged event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnAutoValidateChangedRaises the AutoValidateChanged event.
(Vererbt von ContainerControl)
Protected MethodeOnBackColorChangedRaises the BackColorChanged event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnBackgroundImageChangedRaises the BackgroundImageChanged event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnBackgroundImageLayoutChangedRaises the BackgroundImageLayoutChanged event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnBindingContextChangedRaises the BindingContextChanged event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnCausesValidationChangedRaises the CausesValidationChanged event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnChangeUICuesRaises the ChangeUICues event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnClickRaises the Click event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnClientSizeChangedRaises the ClientSizeChanged event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnContextMenuStripChangedRaises the ContextMenuStripChanged event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnControlAddedRaises the ControlAdded event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnControlRemovedRaises the ControlRemoved event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnCreateControlRaises the CreateControl event.
(Vererbt von UserControl)
Protected MethodeOnCursorChangedRaises the CursorChanged event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnDockChangedRaises the DockChanged event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnDoubleClickRaises the DoubleClick event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnDpiChangedAfterParentRaises the DpiChangedAfterParent event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnDpiChangedBeforeParentRaises the DpiChangedBeforeParent event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnDragDropRaises the DragDrop event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnDragEnterRaises the DragEnter event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnDragLeaveRaises the DragLeave event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnDragOverRaises the DragOver event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnEnabledChangedRaises the EnabledChanged event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnEnterRaises the Enter event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnFontChangedRaises the FontChanged event.
(Vererbt von ContainerControl)
Protected MethodeOnForeColorChangedRaises the ForeColorChanged event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnGiveFeedbackRaises the GiveFeedback event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnGotFocusRaises the GotFocus event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnHandleCreatedRaises the HandleCreated event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnHandleDestroyedRaises the HandleDestroyed event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnHelpRequestedRaises the HelpRequested event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnImeModeChangedRaises the ImeModeChanged event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnInvalidatedRaises the Invalidated event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnKeyDownRaises the KeyDown event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnKeyPressRaises the KeyPress event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnKeyUpRaises the KeyUp event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnLayoutRaises the Layout event.
(Vererbt von ContainerControl)
Protected MethodeOnLeaveRaises the Leave event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnLoadRaises the Load event.
(Vererbt von UserControl)
Protected MethodeOnLocationChangedRaises the LocationChanged event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnLostFocusRaises the LostFocus event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnMarginChangedRaises the MarginChanged event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnMouseCaptureChangedRaises the MouseCaptureChanged event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnMouseClickRaises the MouseClick event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnMouseDoubleClickRaises the MouseDoubleClick event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnMouseDownRaises the MouseDown event.
(Vererbt von UserControl)
Protected MethodeOnMouseEnterRaises the MouseEnter event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnMouseHoverRaises the MouseHover event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnMouseLeaveRaises the MouseLeave event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnMouseMoveRaises the MouseMove event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnMouseUpRaises the MouseUp event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnMouseWheelRaises the MouseWheel event.
(Vererbt von ScrollableControl)
Protected MethodeOnMoveRaises the Move event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnNotifyMessageNotifies the control of Windows messages.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnPaddingChangedRaises the PaddingChanged event.
(Vererbt von ScrollableControl)
Protected MethodeOnPaintRaises the Paint event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnPaintBackgroundPaints the background of the control.
(Vererbt von ScrollableControl)
Protected MethodeOnParentBackColorChangedRaises the BackColorChanged event when the BackColor property value of the control's container changes.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnParentBackgroundImageChangedRaises the BackgroundImageChanged event when the BackgroundImage property value of the control's container changes.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnParentBindingContextChangedRaises the BindingContextChanged event when the BindingContext property value of the control's container changes.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnParentChangedRaises the ParentChanged event.
(Vererbt von ContainerControl)
Protected MethodeOnParentCursorChangedRaises the CursorChanged event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnParentEnabledChangedRaises the EnabledChanged event when the Enabled property value of the control's container changes.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnParentFontChangedRaises the FontChanged event when the Font property value of the control's container changes.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnParentForeColorChangedRaises the ForeColorChanged event when the ForeColor property value of the control's container changes.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnParentRightToLeftChangedRaises the RightToLeftChanged event when the RightToLeft property value of the control's container changes.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnParentVisibleChangedRaises the VisibleChanged event when the Visible property value of the control's container changes.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnPreviewKeyDownRaises the PreviewKeyDown event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnPrintRaises the Paint event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnQueryContinueDragRaises the QueryContinueDrag event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnRegionChangedRaises the RegionChanged event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnResizeRaises the Resize event.
(Vererbt von UserControl)
Protected MethodeOnRightToLeftChangedRaises the RightToLeftChanged event.
(Vererbt von ScrollableControl)
Protected MethodeOnScrollRaises the Scroll event.
(Vererbt von ScrollableControl)
Protected MethodeOnSizeChangedRaises the SizeChanged event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnStyleChangedRaises the StyleChanged event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnSystemColorsChangedRaises the SystemColorsChanged event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnTabIndexChangedRaises the TabIndexChanged event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnTabStopChangedRaises the TabStopChanged event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnTextChangedRaises the TextChanged event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnValidatedRaises the Validated event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnValidatingRaises the Validating event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeOnVisibleChangedRaises the VisibleChanged event.
(Vererbt von ScrollableControl)
Public MethodePerformAutoScalePerforms scaling of the container control and its children.
(Vererbt von ContainerControl)
Public MethodePerformLayoutForces the control to apply layout logic to all its child controls.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodePerformLayout(Control, String)Forces the control to apply layout logic to all its child controls.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodePointToClientComputes the location of the specified screen point into client coordinates.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodePointToScreenComputes the location of the specified client point into screen coordinates.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodePreProcessControlMessagePreprocesses keyboard or input messages within the message loop before they are dispatched.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodePreProcessMessagePreprocesses keyboard or input messages within the message loop before they are dispatched.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeProcessCmdKeyProcesses a command key.
(Vererbt von ContainerControl)
Protected MethodeProcessDialogCharProcesses a dialog character.
(Vererbt von ContainerControl)
Protected MethodeProcessDialogKeyProcesses a dialog key.
(Vererbt von ContainerControl)
Protected MethodeProcessKeyEventArgsProcesses a key message and generates the appropriate control events.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeProcessKeyMessageProcesses a keyboard message.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeProcessKeyPreviewPreviews a keyboard message.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeProcessMnemonicProcesses a mnemonic character.
(Vererbt von ContainerControl)
Protected MethodeProcessTabKeySelects the next available control and makes it the active control.
(Vererbt von ContainerControl)
Protected MethodeRaiseDragEventRaises the appropriate drag event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeRaiseKeyEventRaises the appropriate key event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeRaiseMouseEventRaises the appropriate mouse event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeRaisePaintEventRaises the appropriate paint event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeRecreateHandleForces the re-creation of the handle for the control.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeRectangleToClientComputes the size and location of the specified screen rectangle in client coordinates.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeRectangleToScreenComputes the size and location of the specified client rectangle in screen coordinates.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeRefreshForces the control to invalidate its client area and immediately redraw itself and any child controls.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeRescaleConstantsForDpiProvides constants for rescaling the control when a DPI change occurs.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeResetMouseEventArgsResets the control to handle the MouseLeave event.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeResetTextResets the Text property to its default value (Empty).
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeResumeLayoutResumes usual layout logic.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeResumeLayout(Boolean)Resumes usual layout logic, optionally forcing an immediate layout of pending layout requests.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeRtlTranslateAlignment(ContentAlignment)Converts the specified ContentAlignment to the appropriate ContentAlignment to support right-to-left text.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeRtlTranslateAlignment(HorizontalAlignment)Converts the specified HorizontalAlignment to the appropriate HorizontalAlignment to support right-to-left text.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeRtlTranslateAlignment(LeftRightAlignment)Converts the specified LeftRightAlignment to the appropriate LeftRightAlignment to support right-to-left text.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeRtlTranslateContentConverts the specified ContentAlignment to the appropriate ContentAlignment to support right-to-left text.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeRtlTranslateHorizontalConverts the specified HorizontalAlignment to the appropriate HorizontalAlignment to support right-to-left text.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeRtlTranslateLeftRightConverts the specified LeftRightAlignment to the appropriate LeftRightAlignment to support right-to-left text.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeScaleScales the control and all child controls by the specified scaling factor.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeScaleBitmapLogicalToDeviceScales a logical bitmap value to it's equivalent device unit value when a DPI change occurs.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeScaleControlScales a control's location, size, padding and margin.
(Vererbt von ScrollableControl)
Public MethodeScrollControlIntoViewScrolls the specified child control into view on an auto-scroll enabled control.
(Vererbt von ScrollableControl)
Protected MethodeScrollToControlCalculates the scroll offset to the specified child control.
(Vererbt von ScrollableControl)
Public MethodeSelectActivates the control.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeSelect(Boolean, Boolean)Activates a child control. Optionally specifies the direction in the tab order to select the control from.
(Vererbt von ContainerControl)
Public MethodeSelectNextControlActivates the next control.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeSendToBackSends the control to the back of the z-order.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeSetAutoScrollMarginSets the size of the auto-scroll margins.
(Vererbt von ScrollableControl)
Protected MethodeSetAutoSizeModeSets a value indicating how a control will behave when its AutoSize property is enabled.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeSetBounds(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)Sets the bounds of the control to the specified location and size.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeSetBounds(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, BoundsSpecified)Sets the specified bounds of the control to the specified location and size.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeSetBoundsCorePerforms the work of setting the specified bounds of this control.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeSetClientSizeCoreSets the size of the client area of the control.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeSetDisplayRectLocationPositions the display window to the specified value.
(Vererbt von ScrollableControl)
Protected MethodeSetScrollStateSets the specified scroll state flag.
(Vererbt von ScrollableControl)
Protected MethodeSetStyleSets a specified ControlStyles flag to either or .
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeSetTopLevelSets the control as the top-level control.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeSetVisibleCoreSets the control to the specified visible state.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeShowDisplays the control to the user.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeSizeFromClientSizeDetermines the size of the entire control from the height and width of its client area.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeSuspendLayoutTemporarily suspends the layout logic for the control.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeToStringReturns a String containing the name of the Component, if any. This method should not be overridden.
(Vererbt von Component)
Public MethodeUpdateCauses the control to redraw the invalidated regions within its client area.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeUpdateBoundsUpdates the bounds of the control with the current size and location.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeUpdateBounds(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)Updates the bounds of the control with the specified size and location.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeUpdateBounds(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)Updates the bounds of the control with the specified size, location, and client size.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeUpdateDefaultButtonWhen overridden by a derived class, updates which button is the default button.
(Vererbt von ContainerControl)
Public MethodeUpdateList Aktualisiert die Drop-Down-Liste.
Public MethodeUpdateList(ListComPortDescriptor) Aktualisiert die Drop-Down-Liste.
Protected MethodeUpdateStylesForces the assigned styles to be reapplied to the control.
(Vererbt von Control)
Protected MethodeUpdateZOrderUpdates the control in its parent's z-order.
(Vererbt von Control)
Public MethodeValidateVerifies the value of the control losing focus by causing the Validating and Validated events to occur, in that order.
(Vererbt von ContainerControl)
Public MethodeValidate(Boolean)Verifies the value of the control that is losing focus; conditionally dependent on whether automatic validation is turned on.
(Vererbt von ContainerControl)
Public MethodeValidateChildrenCauses all of the child controls within a control that support validation to validate their data.
(Vererbt von UserControl)
Public MethodeValidateChildren(ValidationConstraints)Causes all of the child controls within a control that support validation to validate their data.
(Vererbt von UserControl)
Protected MethodeWndProcProcesses Windows messages.
(Vererbt von UserControl)
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